You know you have Jedi mastery over energy tools when you can go from stressing about your life and the world around you, to Joy in a matter of minutes. You do this by getting neutral to what’s going on around you and changing your energetic state. Then maintaining that state by having awareness about your thoughts and beliefs and releasing what doesn’t serve you.
I use the word Jedi for a reason. Because doing the above, especially without energy tools, is incredibly challenging. People who practice breathing meditations can spend years learning to quiet their minds. With Clairvoyant energy tools, in comparison, changing your state is like starting a fire with a lighter instead of flint. It’s a much easier experience. That being said, you still have to learn the tools and put them to use.
Neutrality – helps keep you in present time and accept the things you cannot change. Once there, it’s easier to raise your vibration.
Changing your state – While all emotions are great and have their place, staying perpetually in lower vibrational states full of anger, resentment, blame etc, doesn’t do anyone any good, especially yourself. I teach several ways to change your state in both the med and healing classes as well as Clair. This isn’t about being a Pollyanna and being happy happy all the time, even when you’re miserable. It’s about using tools to deal easily with what’s affecting you, and then using other easy tools, to release your energetic blocks and emotions.
Maintaining your state – Having an awareness of your thoughts and releasing what doesn’t serve you takes time, I’m not going to lie. But it’s a hell of a lot easier to do when you’re grounded, you’ve released other’s thoughts and emotions, your vibration is high, your neutral, and you have the tools to release your blocks.
Then when you learn to look under the hood – using clairvoyance and you figure out what those blocks and beliefs are and learn how to change them - then you move into Jedi master territory.
And one of the most enjoyable states for a Jedi master to be in - is joy and amusement.
You can start your journey towards shifting your space by doing the joy meditation below. While it’s not as effective the energy tools talked about above, it’s a start in the journey of shifting your space.
